We didn't do a heck of a lot on our last day in the Last Frontier. Mostly we laid around Mom's place, but we did go out for a picnic lunch by Lake Hood. Lake Hood is the biggest float plane airport in the world, and in the 45 minutes we were there we saw at least 8 planes take off and another 4 or 5 land.
In addition to all the float planes taking off and landing (watering?) on Lake Hood, Ted Stevens International Airport was directly behind us, so we heard plenty of passenger and cargo jets taking off. Also, off in the distance beyond Lake Hood is Elmdorff AFB, so when we first started eating you could see six F-15s in the distance. (You could hear them long before you saw them.) So, if you're in the mood for watching some airplanes, there are three picnic tables behind the FAA building in Anchorage that will give you a view of small 4 person planes, big passenger jets, and the USAF all in one spot.
The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing. We did a quick shopping trip at REI and Title Wave Books. If we were hikers or campers REI would have been a great place to blow a couple grand. Title Wave Books is an interesting store, and we of course lost Mom in there.
I made a return trip to the Moose's Tooth for a t-shirt, and had an IPA while I was there. The bar was full, so I stepped outside to their outside waiting area and just looked over the Chugach Mountains a little since we're leaving them in a few hours.
That will about do it for our first trip to Alaska. We've got to pack and then head for the airport about 11:30 or so for our 1:20am flight back to OH.
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