Saturday, May 26, 2007

Stupid Reds...

As all sports fans, I have my ups and downs. Recently I had a couple pretty good ups in watching two of my favorite football teams play for their respective championships as the Buckeyes went to the BCS title game and the Bears to the Super Bowl. Those were obviously followed by two pretty solid lows as both teams failed to win either game...and in the case of the Buckeyes, well, flat out embarrassed. (Of note: If you're favorite team returns the opening kickoff for a touchdown, turn the TV off, it's not going to turn out in your favor.)

One of my other teams of choice is the Blue Jackets, and their futility is pretty well documented. Every team in the National Hockey League has made the post season except one...guess which one? No biggie, we're six years old, it'll happen, and I'll be there. For each game.

So, that leads me to the Redlegs. The team I have likely cheered for the longest. My earliest memory of a live sporting event is sitting at Riverfront Stadium with Grandma Betty and Grandad Clyde taking in the Big Red Machine. I have been a Reds fan for as long as I can remember. I've been to World Series games to watch them play. (And win, Tribe Fan, suck on that! Ha!) I've seen them bulldoze Riverfront and build the GAB, neither of which is a bad move. But as of right now they are proud owners of the worst record in baseball.

Now, SOMEBODY has to have the worst record in baseball, but that somebody has usually been in Kansas City or Detroit or Texas or Tampa...NOT Cincinnati. This is the oldest professional baseball franchise, they're not supposed to be the WORST team in the league!

So, as with the typical season, I'm not so worried about the playoffs at this point, so just try to win a few games, fellas. And most importantly, take 2 of 3 from the Indians next week. I owe one lunch because of last weekend, already...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Off to meeeeeshigan...

I'm in Plymouth, MI at the moment watching Men in Black and listening to the Sabres and Rangers (currently tied at 1 in the first OT). Originally I was to come up tonight with three of my co-workers to go to Day of .Net in Ann Arbor tomorrow. However, my company has been doing some consulting with the MAIS department at the University of Michigan, so I came up to bill U of M for 8 hours of consulting today prior to the code camp tomorrow.

As a drop-out of THE Ohio State University, the irony of consulting at the University of Michigan is not lost on me. I got a chuckle out of it...especially when adding in my cohort from Quick is a Purdue grad, and one of the lead developers on the dev team graduated from Michigan State. I mean, come on Michigan, produce some IT talent already...

Now comes the part that will make Buckeye Fan shudder...I love Ann Arbor. This is one of the coolest little towns I've been to in a long time. It's basically the U of M surrounded by a few houses, restaurants, and banks, but it's a great little town.

Highlights of the visit will revolve around the food and beer consumed. For food, we'll start at the top. On the direction of Billy - U of M alum - I headed straight to Blimpy Burger for the best burger in Ann Arbor. That wasn't a stretch, it was a great burger. Kind of like the Soup Nazi episode of Seinfeld, you order in a very structured manner (number of patties, bun type, any grilled add-ons, and lastly cheese), but the cook coaches you through it. Don't mumble, though, he'll throw something at you. Actually Brian mentioned the Soup Nazi thing, and the cook shot back with, "No, more like a burger Pinochet. Come to Blimpy, get a burger and a dictator." The cook was also sporting a mohawk, and making it work...not something everybody can do. But, I digress...the burger, which was more grease than meat, was outstanding. The steak fries that were included, also solid. All in all, it made for a great stomach ache for the afternoon.

[Hockey Update: Sabres just put away the Rags for the evening...Slugs now up 3-2 in the series.]

Beyond the burgers, we took in two brew pubs, the Grizzly Peak Brewing Company and the Arbor Brewing Company. They're located about two blocks apart on opposite sides of Main St. The folks at Grizzly get the nod in the food department, the brewers at Arbor do a better job with the beer. Grizzly has a great pulled pork appetizer and I followed it up with a great steak. The steak had some kind of red pepper glaze that was great. The beer at the Arbor Brewing Co...mmmmm, Mai Bock. End of story.

Tomorrow is all day code camp...hotel breakfast, Dominos pizza for lunch, and hopefully something slightly better than those two combined for dinner...