I'm happy to have been selected to two conferences in the region to share an hour or so of Kanban, and my experiences with it.
The first will be at Central Ohio Day of .Net on April 18th in Wilmington. This is a great little conference that combines the forces of the dev communities of Dayton, Cincy, and Columbus for a day of geeking out. In addition to the great sessions they have lined up, there will also be Open Spaces. If you've got time on a Saturday in the spring, this is a great gathering at a great price...free!
The following Saturday, April 25th, I'm going to trek north and present at the Kalamazoo X conference. This is the first year for this conference, and it looks really interesting. It's focus is on the non-tech side of development, so there will be lots of dev process, design, and user interaction type talks. All the stuff we need to know without opening up our favorite IDE. As an added bonus, this place is in Kalamazoo for a required stop.
That will keep a couple Saturday afternoons busy in April for me. Now, if a certain local hockey team can keep the Saturday evenings busy...
[Added to a much older post, cross-commenting to this post after noticing]
Tim, Do you participate on the kanbandev group on Yahoo!? I noticed your session at the Kalamazoo X conference (I'm thinking about coming up), and liked the sound of your session.
Also, are you aware of the Lean & Kanban Conference (leankanbanconference.com) that David Anderson is putting together in May? If you're interested (and a leading-edge practitioner, from the looks of things), it promises to be the most dynamic thought-leader gathering in the kanban space yet.
@Eric I signed up for the kanbandev group on Yahoo a few weeks ago, but have not jumped into the fray, yet.
Steve Harman told me about the Lean and Kanban conference in May, but regrettably I don't have the cash to make that one work out for me this year.
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